plan a visit
If you’re new to CityGates Church, we’re delighted you’ve found us!
We’re a group of people of all ages and backgrounds and visitors are always welcome; it doesn’t matter how unfamiliar you are with church and the Christian faith. We hope our
website will answer some of your questions, but the best way to get to know us is to come along on a Sunday to one of our services (9:30am, 11:15am or 6:00pm).
We try to make these as accessible as we can, as we meet to pray, sing and learn from the Bible, which we believe is how God speaks to us. Feel free to email us if you have questions or would like to connect with one of our Welcome Team.
We’re a group of people of all ages and backgrounds and visitors are always welcome; it doesn’t matter how unfamiliar you are with church and the Christian faith. We hope our
website will answer some of your questions, but the best way to get to know us is to come along on a Sunday to one of our services (9:30am, 11:15am or 6:00pm).
We try to make these as accessible as we can, as we meet to pray, sing and learn from the Bible, which we believe is how God speaks to us. Feel free to email us if you have questions or would like to connect with one of our Welcome Team.

What should I wear?
Whatever you feel comfortable with! It really isn’t important what you look like or what you wear, and most people will be pretty casual. We’ll just be glad you’ve come along!

What happens when I arrive?
On arrival you will be welcomed at the door and directed to the room where we meet upstairs. There are no ‘reserved’ seats; you are most welcome anywhere! The service will begin with songs, prayers and a readings from the Bible, followed by a talk, normally lasting about 30 minutes. The whole service lasts around 1 hour.
The songs will be projected on screens at the front and mostly, those who are able, stand to sing.
We have Bibles at the church for you to use, or many people use a bible app on their phone.
We regularly remember the death of Jesus Christ, by celebrating the Lord’s Supper (or Communion) with bread and juice, and all who love and follow Jesus are invited to participate in this. There’s no embarrassment about sitting this out if you’re not sure yet.
The songs will be projected on screens at the front and mostly, those who are able, stand to sing.
We have Bibles at the church for you to use, or many people use a bible app on their phone.
We regularly remember the death of Jesus Christ, by celebrating the Lord’s Supper (or Communion) with bread and juice, and all who love and follow Jesus are invited to participate in this. There’s no embarrassment about sitting this out if you’re not sure yet.

What about my kids?
We have a great children’s team who are all DBS checked, and run activities for the children, during the morning services. There is also a crèche for under 3’s and a baby feeding room with live video from the service. We begin the service all together, and then after around 20 minutes, the children go to their groups. Information on when and where these activities happen will be relayed by the service leader. If you prefer to keep your children with you, that’s also fine!

Will I have to join in?
Our regular attenders will participate in the service in different ways, but there’s absolutely no requirement for anyone to join in and we hope our guests will feel comfortable just sitting and watching.

Will I be asked to give money?
Where do I park?
No. Absolutely not. It is free to come to church! Once a month, we have a collection during a morning service, but it is mainly for our regular attenders who want to give. There is a box available at the back of the church if you want to put something in, but that is certainly not expected. The church is funded through the gifts of its regular members and we do not expect our guests to contribute.
There is a large RCP Car Park to the right of the church building on Botolph Street. We recommend you buy a ticket for 2 hours which will cost around £3.20. If you need disabled access, there are a limited number of spaces at the front of our building, which are free.
There's a map below to help you find us
There's a map below to help you find us

Will I have to join in?
Our regular attenders will participate in the service in different ways, but there’s absolutely no requirement for anyone to join in and we hope our guests will feel comfortable just sitting and watching.

Will I be asked to give money?
Where do I park?
No. Absolutely not. It is free to come to church! Once a month, we have a collection during a morning service, but it is mainly for our regular attenders who want to give. There is a box available at the back of the church if you want to put something in, but that is certainly not expected. The church is funded through the gifts of its regular members and we do not expect our guests to contribute.
There is a large RCP Car Park to the right of the church building on Botolph Street. We recommend you buy a ticket for 2 hours which will cost around £3.20. If you need disabled access, there are a limited number of spaces at the front of our building, which are free.
There's a map below to help you find us
There's a map below to help you find us