Something for every age
We love that there are so many children at CityGates Church! Through our Sunday and midweek groups, we aim to teach Jesus faithfully and relevantly so that he is the foundation of children’s lives.

Roots. This group is for school years 1-5. It is a lively, active, fun group in our downstairs hall. We play games, make crafts, have snacks and spend time learning about Jesus. We want to partner well with parents so we usually follow along with what the adults are learning in the main service through age-appropriate activities. You will always find a friendly face in our kids’ groups; it’s a great time together and we’d love to see you join us.
The Sunday groups happen during both the morning services (9:30am and 11:15am). The children stay in with the church family for the first part of the service, before heading to their group downstairs. If your child might need space out of the main hall before heading to their group, we have a viewing room where the service is live-streamed and you’re very welcome to take your child there.
If you’re new or visiting, there’s always someone directing people where to go on a Sunday! If you have any questions before you come, please feel free to contact us with the form below - we’d love to hear from you.
The Sunday groups happen during both the morning services (9:30am and 11:15am). The children stay in with the church family for the first part of the service, before heading to their group downstairs. If your child might need space out of the main hall before heading to their group, we have a viewing room where the service is live-streamed and you’re very welcome to take your child there.
If you’re new or visiting, there’s always someone directing people where to go on a Sunday! If you have any questions before you come, please feel free to contact us with the form below - we’d love to hear from you.
JAM (Jesus And Me!). Every other Wednesday, we meet together from 6-7pm. We have a tuck shop available (which is very exciting!), a talk from the Bible and fun activities and games. We also have a half-termly social, which might be a trip out somewhere or a special event in church. JAM is free to attend and anyone aged 4-11 years old is welcome to come along – we love to make new friends!
Messy Church. Every term or so, we hold a Messy Church event at CityGates fitting with different celebrations like Christmas and Easter. We serve a delicious breakfast, have some amazing crafts, singing and a talk! All ages and whole families are warmly invited.
All our youth and children’s leaders and volunteers hold a current DBS check and operate within our Safeguarding policy (copy available on request).
Messy Church. Every term or so, we hold a Messy Church event at CityGates fitting with different celebrations like Christmas and Easter. We serve a delicious breakfast, have some amazing crafts, singing and a talk! All ages and whole families are warmly invited.
All our youth and children’s leaders and volunteers hold a current DBS check and operate within our Safeguarding policy (copy available on request).
All our youth and children’s leaders and volunteers hold a current DBS check and operate within our Safeguarding policy (copy available on request).